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Based on the poetics of the artistic work of Freddy D'azure-Hernández, constantly anchored in personal experiences, some characteristics of contemporary time are identified; which shape the project presented. The so-called Late Modernity reveals aspects of the condition of the human being that can be located in the set of works that make up the exhibition.

In HORIZON, disillusionment and indifference, the evasion of reality and the collective unconscious fear permeate each other, within a system in which each subject is confronted with himself and the other, to disarticulate him for the sake of an alignment to disenchantment; the difficulty of feeling and the longing to be transported outside of oneself is the constant in the images that D'azure-Hernández presents to us.

With quiet and harmonic tonalities, sometimes violated by aggressive flashes of color, a message of help interlaced with dreamlike landscapes and distant moments, which despite their closeness, are perceived far away and wrapped in strangeness. The universe of the artist is opened so that each viewer identifies himself or rejects those personal experiences that he can also find in his own interior.


Eliud Nava

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